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Canoe Sprint


                                                     In Canoe Sprint events, paddlers race on a straight course, each boat in a separate lane. 






Canoe Slalom


                                In Canoe Slalom, paddlers have to navigate the kayak or canoe through pairs of poles.






Canoe Marathon


                                                While in Canoe Sprint events, paddlers race on a straight course, Marathon Racing.





Canoe Polo


                                                      Canoe Polo, a spectacular and rapidly growing discipline of the International Canoe Federation.                                   Read More...




Canoe Ocean Racing


                                                    Ocean racing is an exciting new discipline of the ICF intended to encompass the long.






Dragon Boat

                                                    From its roots in the Far East, Dragon Boat Racing is fast becoming a global discipline for.







Wildwater Canoeing


                                                In Wildwater Canoeing events, the paddlers have to race their rudderless craft down a river..





Canoe Sprint, Asian Canoe Confederation
Canoe Slalom, Asian Canoe Confederation
Canoe Marathon, Asian Canoe Confederation
Canoe Polo, Asian Canoe Confederation
Canoe Ocean Racing, Asian Canoe Confederation
Dragon Boat, Asian Canoe Confederation
Wild Water Canoeing, Asian Canoe Confederation


  • The official boats recognised by the ICF as 'International Boats' are: K1, K2, K4, C1, C2 and C4, where the number indicates the number of paddlers, “K” stands for Kayak and “C” for Canadian or Canoe, depending on location.

  • Kayaks are closed deck type boats whereas Canoes are opened deck type boats.

  • For Kayaks, the paddlers are in seating position whereas for Canoe they are in kneeling position.

  • Kayaks have a rudder, which is operated by the feet of the front most paddler. Canoe does not have a paddle.

  • The ICF rules for these boats define, among others, the maximum length, the minimum weight and the shape of the boats. For example, by ICF rules, a K1 is at most 520 cm long, and weighs at least 8 kg for marathons or 12 kg for sprints. Modern boats are usually made of carbon fiber and/or aramid fiber (e.g., Kevlar) with epoxy resin.

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