About Us
Asian Canoe Confederation: Paddling through Asia
The Asian Canoe Confederation (ACC) was founded on 13th September 1983 during a Congress held at Ikaho-Japan, attended by delegates from 10 countries: Brunei, Democratic Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea and Singapore. The 1st ACC President was Yoshio Sakurauchi of Japan Canoe Federation. It is the governing body under the ICF to regulate Asian countries canoe associations. The ACC is recognized by the General Association of Asian Sports Federations (GAASF) and the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA). Canoeing and Kayaking were incorporated into Beijing Asian Games in 1990.

To maintain canoeing as an Asian discipline.
To ensure that Asian events are governed by the ICF rules.
To establish Asian Championships.
To cooperate with the Organizing Committees of Asian and Regional Games;
To encourage the establishment of NFs in countries where no such organization exists.
Since its formation in 1983, ACC has grown from 6 members to 38 member countries of the Asian Continent as of 2014. The ACC is grouped into a loose informal confederation of regional countries as follows:
East Asian Region – Oriental / Japanese / Mongolian / Korean.
South East Asian Region – ASEAN Countries.Indian
Sub-Continent Region – SAARC Countries.West
Asian Region – Middle East & Central Asian Countries.